Indigo Terminal Emulation Software �



Indigo provides an extremely flexible user interface layout With the many features Indigo supports, maintaining a usable user interface is a key focus. Indigo puts you in complete control of how the user interface is laid out.

The session window is always in the center of the screen. Indigo supports multiple document interface (MDI) which allows several session to be open at any time. These session windows can be tiled horizontally, tiled vertically, or cascaded. You can easily navigate to any of the session windows by using the "Window" option located in the main menu.

Indigo also provides convenient toolbars for quick access to highly used features. You will find Indigo's Quick Connect toolbar to be very useful in situation where you need to connect to a telnet or terminal session and do not want or do not need to setup a session. Each of the toolbars can be turned on or off directly from the "View" menu.

Indigo powerful tools are provided though tool windows. Each of the tool windows can be docked to any side of the main form. In addition to being docked to any edge, the tool windows can be stacked on top of each other or tabbed inside each other. The tool windows can also be pinned down to maximize the user screen real estate. When a tool window is pinned down, it will only display a small title bar on the edge it is docked to. As you move the mouse over the title bar, the tool window reveals itself for use. When the mouse is moved out of the tool window, it again hides itself. Each of the tool windows can be turned on or off directly from the "View" menu.