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Indigo Terminal Emulation Software �


General Overview

Sessions / Connection Types:

Terminal Sessions

Indigo's primary function is for remotely communicating and monitoring terminal devices and servers.

Indigo supports the folling connection methods and communications protocols:

  • SERIAL (RS232)
  • RSH
  • ECHO
  • RAW
  • SSH1
  • SSH2
  • SSH AUTO (auto negotiate between SSH1 & SSH2)

Web Sessions

Indigo also has an integrated web browser for previewing/surfing web pages. This web browser is build in for convenience and is treated like other session windows. This integrated browser is build on Microsoft Internet Explorer technology.


Session Manager

Indigo contains an easy to navigate session manager dockable tool window. This session manager organizes and provides quick access to any supported Indigo session. All of a sessions settings are stored in session files, these files are grouped and displayed here in the session manger tool window.

Data Converter

Indigo provides two data converting utilities. First, in a terminal session, the user can select what data byte format they would like to view the incoming data in. The options are ASCII, ASCII w/ Control Codes, HEXADECIMAL, HEX w/ control codes, OCTAL, BINARY, Byte Analysis, or user customized format.

Second, a data converter tool window will allow you to highlight data in a terminal session window or drag and drop ASCII data into the tool window to convert the data to a user selected data format.

Command Library

The command library is a tool window that allows terminal command to be saved and recalled to files. To send to commands from the command library you can drag and drop to the terminal command window or double click the command entry.

Variable Manager

The variable manager allows you to set and recall variables fur use with terminal send commands. When a command is sent to the terminal session, any detected variable is replaced with the variable value.

Command Repeater

The command repeater allow you to populate a list of commands and variables that can be set to repeat at defined intervals. The variables can also be manipulated mathematically on each cycle. This tool is particularly useful for testing equipment.

Custom Data Format Editor

Custom data format editor allow you to customize how incoming data bytes are displayed in the terminal session window.

Command Macros

Command macros allow frequently used terminal session commands to be stored as menu items and hotkeys.

Syntax Colorization

Syntax colorization will colorize user defined data strings in the terminal session window.

Serial Pass Mode

Serial pass mode allows you to create a serial session that uses two com ports to listen to the data transfer from two connections or devices.

Data Logging

Terminal session data can be logged to a local file. Each session maintains it's own log files.

Many more features.....

Line numbering, printing, pause incoming data, quick connect, reconnect, recent connection list, window state (location) save and recall, extreme configuration portability, and more.