Indigo Terminal Emulation Software �


Session Properties

There are many settings and parameters that can be configured for each session. This page will walk you through the Session Properties dialog and explain how each of the settings affect a terminal session.

The session properties dialog consists of the following tabs:


The connection tab provides options to configure the terminal connection settings.

Connection Protocol

The supported connection methods and protocols are listed below with their respective connection settings.

  • Telnet

  • Serial (RS-232)




  • ECHO



  • RAW

  • SSH1

  • SSH2



Auto Connect
If the auto-connect option is enabled, the terminal session will attempt to automatically connect each time the session is opened.


Authentication Settings
Depending on the connection method/protocol seletect, authentication method properties may be available for the terminal session.

Indigo supports the following authentication modes:

  • Disabled - no authentication method will be used
  • Password (manual) - this is used when the terminal server/device supports on on screen login prompt. If this option is selected, Indigo will simply pass the username and password upon connection as if you typed it in upon connection. This option can be used in conjunction with the Wait for Prompt option. If Wait for Prompt is enabled, Indigo will wait until the user specific text is received before sending the login credentials. An example of Wait for Prompt would be somehting like "Please Enter Username".
  • Password (connection) - the terminal server/device supports a connection based login. This is common authentication option for REXEC, RSH, RLOGIN, SSH1, SSH2, SSH AUTO.

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Indigo support proxy router based connections. Simply enter your proxy type and proxer server settings on the proxy tab in the session properties dialog.

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When a terminal session window is configured to use the Direct Terminal Mode view mode, VT emulation and direct terminal input is supported. On the Terminal tab in the session properties dialog, you can configure the emulation type and the terminal screen size. Indigo also supports a dynamic screen resizing feature. To enable dynamic resizing set the Terminal Windows Rows to Auto Set Number of Rows and the Terminal Windows Columns options to Auto Set Number of Columns.

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The session formatting options allow you to customize the look of a session window. You may optionally enable line numbering, alter fonts, change colors, and choose a number of other configurable display options.

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The settings tab hosts a number of other session runtime options.

Multi-Command - this option allow multiple data send commands to be stacked in a single command line, separated by a delimiter character. This option is enabled by default and the pipe '|' character is the delimiter character.


Internal Commands - this option enables/disables the internal command interpreter. See the "Internal Commands" help topic for more information about this feature. This option is enabled by default.

Variable Replacement - this option enables/disables variable replacement in data send commands. See the "Variable Manager" help topic for more information about this feature. This option is enabled by default.

Advanced Send Commands - this option enables/disables advanced multi-byte send commands from being interpreted by the command interpreter. See the "Advanced Send Commands" help topic for more information about this feature. This option is enabled by default.

Force Window Maximized - if this option is enabled, the session window will be forced to a maximized state each time the session file is opened.

Command Buffer - this option allow the session window command drop down box to store recently sent data commands. You can specify the number of commands you would like the session window to store. Additionally, you can enable the Auto-Complete feature for the command drop down box to auto suggest and auto complete the command you are typing.


Reboot Sequence - this option configures the session reboot options for the reboot menu item on the "Session" menu and the session window right-click popup menu. The reboot command is the data command sent to the device to initiate a reboot. The auto reconnect timer is used to disconnect the terminal session and re-establish a connection after the specified time has elapsed.


Terminating Character - this option configures the byte sequence that is automatically appended to each command that is sent from the session window. This field supports the advanced send command format such as the default of "13,10" which represents Carriage Return & Line Feed. You can disable this feature if you do not wish for Indigo to automatically append bytes to each command sent.


Auto Line Wrap - this option will force data in the terminal session data window to automatically wrap each line after the specified number of bytes have been reached. This option is useful for terminal sessions or devices that do not support a formatted data output. For example, if you are communicating via a serial connection with a raw device protcol, the device may only return a seqience of protocol bytes, no really intended for viewing on screen. This option will allow you to maintain the output data on screen rather than on long continious line of streaming data.


Post Processing Script - this option will enable received session data to be routed through a custom script file for processing before it is printed to Indigo's terminal data window. An example script: PostProcessingSample.vbs has been included serve as an example to create your own custom scripts. Use this option with care as external scripts can decrease the performance of Indigo.

<Click here for more information on the Post Processing Script feature>


Keep Alive - this option will enable keep alive data packets to be sent to the connected terminal session after the specified number of seconds of inactivity. Your terminal server/device must support keep alive functionality..


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Send Commands

The send commands tab lists the auto send commands and which auto send command lists this session is subscribed to. Please see the "Auto Send Commands" help topic for more information about this feature.

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